Lampocoy grand cru

prevents migration
protects climate, fair, sustainable & excellent
direct trade
socially acceptable

In 2012 we started to buy and export coffee from very poor small scale producers in the village of Lampocoy/Nuevo Oriente/Guatemala. Dethlev had worked as a TV journalist in Germany beforehand, but his wife Milvia, who was born in Lampocoy, wanted to show him where she grew up. Shocked by the poverty he saw in her uncle’s house, they decided to try to help. He bought three bags of green coffee, exported it to Hamburg/Germany and offered it to speciality coffee roasters.
And it was really good!

Guatemala produces some of the best coffee in the world. Volcanic soils, a very special microclimate, favorable rain patterns and altitude mean high-end speciality coffees that win international awards every year.
In particular, the Nuevo Oriente region is largely unknown to coffee experts. But the region produces coffee with the beautiful taste of chocolate, pecan nut and caramel, combined with fine acidity and a really full body.

Lampocoy Coffee Project
The coffee rapidly conquered the palates of European coffee consumers. Only one year later they won the SCA Award for Excellence (right).
Today the Project exports up to 120t of green coffee - direct traded - to more than 150 roasters in seven European countries, from Finnland in the north via Germany, the Netherlands, Luxemburg, Austria and Switzerland to Italy in the south.
Encouraged by the feedback from speciality roasters in Europe, they decided to establish the

Grown in the deep volcanic soils in the Guatemalan highlands, caressed by the fresh trade winds from the Caribbean, matured to perfection by the warmth of the tropical sun and carefully tended during growth, processing and drying, this fully washed coffee will surprise you with its full body, its delicious notes of chocolate and pecan nuts, combined with a fine, late acidity.
Since more than 100 years the small scale producers of the little mountain village Lampocoy, Nuevo Oriente/Guatemala are producing an excellent coffee.
The German tv-journalist Dethlev Cordts discovered that coffee in 2011 and brought it to Europe, where it was enthusiastically received by the coffee community.
In 2013 the coffee was awarded in Nice, France by the European Specialty Coffee Association of Europe.

Lampocoy grand cru - a gourmet coffee of the highest class
On the eastern edge of the tremendous volcanoes in Central America, at an altitude between 1,000 and 1,500 meters, the coffee cherries ripen over a period of more than ten months in optimal cool-moist microclimate.
The full Arabica smells of warm earth and cocoa. Typical characteristics are the big body, fine, late acidity and intense notes of chocolate, caramel and pecan nuts.

There is no bad coffee in Guatemala, but most of the coffee producers in Central America live in great poverty. Mothers don’t know how to feed their children, babies die of diarrhea. People lose hope in a better future or a better life and consequently flee to the north. Many people in Lampocoy have already done so! Victor Roberto (left) from Lampocoy says: "I just wanted to leave, but the coffee project has given me work, an income and a future.“
Today Victor Roberto is working as a coffee agronomist for the project.
One of the firm principles of the Lampocoy Coffee Project is:
There is no quality without the dignity of the producers.
Coffee, Hope, and Transformation

In order to stop migration and to improve living conditions, we pay better prices for the coffee cherries. We are also building schools and computer centers (right), and we distribute learning materials to the children. We are reforesting the coffee plantations and forests. Last but not least, we are encouraging single women to produce coffee for us (above). This „Café de Mujeres“ is already a big seller in European coffee shops.

Today the more than 120 coffee producers and their families living in Lampocoy are able to make plans for their future. They can rely on a fixed income - for this year and next year as well. Their children are better educated, nature is recovering from the devastation caused by climate change.
The coffee plantations are flourishing. Migration is decreasing. The future will be better. Watch our video on Youtube - just search for „The Lampocoy Coffee Project“
grand cru
prevents migration
protects climate, fair, sustainable & excellent
In addition to our grand cru coffee we offer:
complete transparency
videos, photos, media for free to all our customers
a one week coffee trip to Guatemala every year in January

The producers get a price which is up to 70% above the world market level.
Dethlev Cordts: "Meticulous care on cultivation, harvesting and processing combine to deliver a near perfect cup. From revenues and additional donations we help the schools and health stations. We finance the extension of infrastructure and offer a long-term perspective to the people of Lampocoy."
Lampocoy - GPS: North 14.56.33,3 - West 89.20.21,5
Movies about the project can be seen on youtube and search for "Lampocoy".
In April 2024 we will begin offering the Lampocoy terroir to coffee roasters in the United States and Canada. Just request a sample from:
1251 Arrow Pine Dr.
Charlotte NC 28273